During the fashion week, Paoloni Group presented its new showroom. The reality that owns Manuel Ritz, Msgm, Montecore and Paoloni brands, inaugurated in January the multifunctional space at Via Voghera 6, in the heart of Tortona area in Milan.
Our company managed the design and realisation of electrical systems, multi-room audio system done with Denon Heos players, and in-ceiling loudspeakers. We have also installed the LED lighting system and we have integrated the burglar alarm system.
Moreover, the entire space is served by a wired and Wi-Fi network, the latter made with professional Access Points configured ad-hoc so as to ensure total coverage of the spaces and the maximum speed.
Have been able to satisfy both customer and architects expectations, respecting the really very tight schedules, allows us to consider one of the best companies in the electrical, technological and audio systems fields operating in Como, Milan and the surrounding area.
Project by Studio Storage Associati